Thursday, July 9, 2020

Tips For Your First Day at Work

Tips For Your First Day at Work Tips For Your First Day at Work | Make a Strong Impression6 min read Read ­ing Time: 4 min ­utesThe first day of your job is the most mem ­o ­rable and nerve-wrack ­ing day of your career. From com ­pre ­hend ­ing what to wear, reach ­ing your office on time, to giv ­ing about a thou ­sand intro ­duc ­tions to peo ­ple, all the while wor ­ry ­ing about mak ­ing a good first impres ­sion on your cowork ­ers and your boss â€"it can all get too over ­whelm ­ing. But as stressed as your first day can be, don’t let it get to you. Now is the time to stay opti ­mistic and excit ­ed to make a strong first impres ­sion while you meet peo ­ple. Keep ­ing this thought in mind, here is a list of essen ­tial tips for your first day at work to help you start things off on the right foot. Dress to impress This is a giv ­en, but dress ­ing the part is high ­ly cru ­cial for your first day. When decid ­ing what to wear on your first day, fol ­low ­ing the com ­pa ­ny’s dress code is the right call. You could also ask the HR rep ­re ­sen ­ta ­tive about the com ­pa ­ny’s dress code. This is gen ­er ­al ­ly done at the time of nego ­ti ­at ­ing salary and oth ­er terms and ben ­e ­fits of your new job, If that is some ­thing you have for ­got ­ten to do, you can go and check out the com ­pa ­ny’s social media han ­dle to get some idea about how peo ­ple dress up. It can give you the answer about if the com ­pa ­ny has a busi ­ness casu ­al dress code or a strict for ­mal envi ­ron ­ment. In case you still have doubts, always go for a for ­mal look. It is bet ­ter to be dressy than casu ­al in the work ­place. Arrive Early One of the best tips for your first day at work is to plan your com ­mute well so that you are not late on your first day. Noth ­ing will set a bad impres ­sion faster than being late on your first day. Map out the best and fastest route to your work ­place in advance to avoid being embar ­rassed on your first day. Besides show ­ing up ear ­ly is bet ­ter than being late. Even if it means arriv ­ing a few min ­utes ear ­ly. There ­fore, plan ­ning your first day is very essen ­tial. Smile and be professional It is said that a smile goes a long way. When you start work ­ing at a new office, it is impor ­tant to be mind ­ful and aware of social cues with your cowork ­ers. Main ­tain ­ing a friend ­ly demeanor and intro ­duc ­ing your ­self to those you have not met before will help in set ­ting a good impres ­sion and get you noticed. But do not for ­get to keep things pro ­fes ­sion ­al. Keep the con ­ver ­sa ­tions work-relat ­ed or small talk only. And notice how the work envi ­ron ­ment of the office is. Be friend ­ly and approach ­able on the basis of the envi ­ron ­ment. Ask questions Do not for ­get to brief your ­self thor ­ough ­ly about the com ­pa ­ny you are join ­ing. Lis ­ten intent ­ly dur ­ing the ori ­en ­ta ­tion process and do not hes ­i ­tate to ask ques ­tions. Nobody is expect ­ing you to have a per ­fect under ­stand ­ing of every ­thing but they do expect hon ­esty. Also, you can ask ques ­tions about what your man ­agers or the com ­pa ­ny’s expec ­ta ­tions are from you as a new join ­er. It will make you come across asan eager to learn and work per ­son, which is nev ­er a bad thing. Be ready for anything Anoth ­er one of the sig ­nif ­i ­cant tips for your first day at workis to be pre ­pared for any ­thing and every ­thing. Some man ­agers like to throw their new employ ­ees into the deep end to test them. Be ready to work and show off your skills. But if you don’t get it right, don’t hes ­i ­tate from ask ­ing for help from the col ­leagues or employ ­ers. On the con ­trary, some work ­places only involve the new employ ­ees in a bunch of ori ­en ­ta ­tion stuff and then leave them alone to explore for the rest of the day. Hence, just pre ­pare your ­self for what ­ev ­er might come your way. Take that lunch offer Chances are if you are one of the lucky ones, you will get a lunch invite from your man ­ag ­er or a cowork ­er. Do not turn it down. Lunch is the per ­fect oppor ­tu ­ni ­ty to min ­gle with the team and prove that you will be a good fit here, estab ­lish ­ing trust of the employ ­ers. It is more of a casu ­al set up so it will give you a chance to learn about how the office real ­ly works and about the peo ­ple you are work ­ing with. How ­ev ­er, if the con ­ver ­sa ­tion turns into office gos ­sips, do not engage. Don’t try too hard Make a spe ­cial note of this tip for your first day;do not try too hard! Do not waste your ener ­gy in impress ­ing every sin ­gle per ­son you meet, you are already hired. Don’t let the urge to impress take your atten ­tion away from what is impor ­tant. You have to allow your ­self time to get to know peo ­ple and build con ­nec ­tions over time. There is no need to spend time wor ­ry ­ing about every per ­son you pass by. This will only exhib ­it a dis ­com ­fort ­ing body lan ­guage. Get to know your immediate coworkers You will come across many peo ­ple at work but there will be one team mem ­ber that you will have to work with dai ­ly. Make an extra effort to get to know that per ­son. This way you will know exact ­ly what they do along with what you are sup ­posed to do. Besides, start ­ing off on the right foot will only help your pro ­fes ­sion ­al rela ­tion ­ship. You can thrive in the future with an open mind. Project High Energy Your boss and co work ­ers will observe you more dur ­ing your ini ­tial days at work. Remem ­ber to keep your spir ­its high as this is the chance to show peo ­ple your work ethics. Keep a keen eye on the details and the desire to learn as much as you can about your job role. Ask ques ­tions until you are clear and sure of what you are sup ­posed to do. Usu ­al ­ly, in most com ­pa ­nies, there is a sig ­nif ­i ­cant train ­ing peri ­od but it does ­n’t hurt to begin your learn ­ing process on your own. Leave with a good attitude Last, but def ­i ­nite ­ly not least of the tips for your first day at a new job, is to leave the office with a good atti ­tude. Take a moment to ana ­lyze your day, look at the highs and lows. Count your wins, even the small ones. But don’t be too hard on your ­self if your day did ­n’t go as flaw ­less ­ly as you expect ­ed. If you try to accom ­plish too much at once it can be quite over ­whelm ­ing. Just remem ­ber that there is always tomor ­row. You were suc ­cess ­ful in land ­ing the job, you will deal with this too. The first day of your job should be more excit ­ing than scary. Just remem ­ber to take every task as an oppor ­tu ­ni ­ty to learn. Go in pre ­pared with a plan and you will do great. Tips For Your First Day at Work

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